Connective tissue is also known as fascia that is an extensive and continuous fibre that is found throughout the entire body, lying between other tissues including muscles, organs and nervous tissue. When connective tissue is injured, becomes dehydrated or develops poor circulation it becomes dis-eased. This could result in limited range of movement, pain, weakness, swelling or other physical symptoms. Because connective tissue also acts as the interconnecting network and distributing agent of energy within the body, other symptoms such as fatigue can develop.
It is important to note what energy is within the body. A Western way of thinking may well be dismissive of the term energy healing. But what we need to remember is that our body is made up of many types of energy fields. One of the fields of energy is our heart. Think of the job it does to pump blood around the body. With an electrical impulses blood is moved through a series of contractions and dilations of the heart organ. Another form of energy is that of the brain and nervous system.
In the 1950s scientific research pointed towards another form of energy held within the body. It has been purported that Ki energy (also known as Chi or Qi and could possibly extend to the concept of Prana) circulates around the body within meridians or channels bubbling to the skin’s surface via acupoints. The connective tissue acts as the primary mechanism for this type of energy to communicate between tissues and cells of the body.
Shiatsu uses techniques to specifically read the energy of the body, tune in and support balancing communication of Ki energy throughout the network of connective tissues. Techniques used in a Shiatsu treatment include applying pressure, stretching, lengthening, moving and massaging connective tissue. The use of specific tools such as Cupping, Gua Sha massage stones, and Moxibustion may also be utilised during a treatment.
The aim in a Shiatsu treatment is to restore physical movement, open any areas of connective tissue which may be congested or stagnant, relieve pain and realign any energetic imbalances. Because of connective tissue is a continuous fibre that runs throughout the whole body, it is possible to work one part of the body and affect change in another part. Shiatsu becomes an art of healing the body but it is important to note that this is just one aspect of what Shiatsu actually does for a person.