When I was first investigating macrobiotics I would have defined macrobiotics as the approach of diet and nutrition using whole foods as medicine. Macrobiotics is concerned with longevity, vitality and health on the broader perspective of living. Hence eating whole foods as medicine. Macrobiotics takes into account the big picture of food as medicine.
Further to this, I knew macrobiotics involved the practice of eating foods in season from your local area. By following the seasons, individuals can harmonious their energy with that of nature. To be connected to the Earth through the foods we eat and therefore improving our health.
By aligning self with nature and the environment in the immediate locale you start an important practice of connection. And macrobiotics is intrinsically link to connection. Connection deep with self and connection with nature. To connect is to harmonise. To be in harmony is to be in balance. In balance there is equilibrium within and without and this brings health.
Connecting through food leads to a deeper appreciation of moving to the rhythms of Dao. Having an appreciation of Dao is to walk the path in accordance with nature. To flow with the natural order of the universe. The body itself is a microcosm of the macrocosmic world. We may not be able to perceive the true complexities of the universe but we can experience our body.
The body transforms whole foods and extracts the necessary nutrients it needs to sustain human life. This process is alchemical in nature within itself. Macrobiotics is another alchemical process of combining foods to create and transform the body and health of the individual. We may not be able to travel to space but we can travel into the universe of our body. Learning to understand the rhythms of our own body clock can start with looking at the rhythms of nature.
This can lead to a true mind-body-spirit connection for us as individuals and as a community. When we connect to nature and the planet as a whole ultimately we begin to realise the importance of caring for both our body and mother nature. So macrobiotics is not only good for us but also for the planet. This becomes the true holistic approach to health. Health for us, health for others and health for our planet.