Humans are born with ancestral Ki or Pre-natal Ki. This is what we inherit from our mother and father. It is also known as Jing Essence. Jing makes up our inherent constitution and determines our overall health and development. Jing is housed in our kidney and is in finite capacity. It is considered one of the three treasures according to Oriental philosophy and over our lifetime becomes depleted. As we age our essence becomes depleted until eventually it runs out and we die.
The rate that our Jing depletes is dependent on several factors. One factor that has a major part on our Jing Essence is stress. Stress affects Jing Essence because Jing is really our adaptive energy reserve. It is generally only tapped into when our Post-Natal Ki, the Ki we make from the air we breathe and the food we eat, is not sufficient to provide us with the daily energy we need to function in a health way.
Have you noticed when you are stressed your breathing becomes laboured, short and shallow? Maybe stress affects your eating habits? Perhaps you eat more junk food or maybe you eat very little when your stressed?
It is this Post Natal Ki that is the key to preserving the amount of Jing you use.
When we are stressed or not in harmony with our body and the needs of it we start to sabotage our natural ability to make energy. The cycle of ill health begins. Post Natal Ki is acquired from the digestion of food and the air we breathe. In Oriental medicine the Spleen is responsible for extracting nutrition from the food we eat. When the quality of the food we put in our bodies is poor and lacks variety or essential nutrients the spleen’s ability to produce pure Ki is impeded. Symptoms of Spleen Ki deficiency include loose bowel motions, fatigue, poor appetite, cravings and sense of sluggishness. If left untreated symptoms can progress to abdominal pain, difficulty waking in the morning, muscle soreness, eating disorders and begin to affect other organ systems.
The lungs are responsible for extracting pure ki from air. If our lungs function poorly, the air quality is poor or we have restricted breathing habits the amount of pure Ki from the air we breathe will be diminished. Symptoms of Lung Ki Deficiency include difficulty breathing, fatigue, and aversion to coughs, colds and a pale appearance.
Post Natal Ki is dependent on the condition of our Jing Essence and when in harmony Post Natal Ki supplements, supports and combines with our Jing to produce True Qi. It is True Qi that nourishes our organs, helps protect and build our immune system, fight disease and essentially keep us healthy and youthful.
This is why according to Oriental philosophy the food that we eat, the air that we breathe and the lifestyle we choose can keep us feeling and looking young or send us into a premature grave. When our Ki has a healthy flow and is of good quality we feel great. When our flow of Ki becomes sluggish and begins to stagnate our Jing is not supported. If we do not support our Post Natal Ki by eating well or practicing healthy breathing habits True Ki begins to rely heavily on the output of Jing. The Jing depletes and we become fatigued, dis-ease occurs. We may develop pain in our joints, muscle or all over our body.
As disharmony begins to compound we find it harder and harder to pull ourselves out of the energy slump. This is one of the reasons for practicing body awareness activities such as yoga, meditation and massage. Having awareness of our physical, emotional, energetic and mind bodies we can detect changes in our flow of Ki before it gets to a stage where reversing the effects of Ki stagnation is difficult.
Yoga, meditation along with a combined practice of shiatsu and oriental therapies will help support and nurture you even if you are displaying symptoms of Ki stagnation. Even if you have more advanced signs of Ki fatigue a qualified Shiatsu practitioner can help and advise you on natural ways to support changes in your lifestyle so as to improve the flow of Ki and your health.
If you are experiencing disharmony of your Ki contact Deb to discuss a program that will suit you.