A person who is reasonable, responsible and sensible is said to be grounded. In fact, a dictionary definition of “grounded” is to be well balanced and sensible. Perhaps you have met someone who comes across as being unwaivered and is able to remain calm in the face of a crisis. This is the definition of a well-grounded individual
Grounding is also known as Earthing. And as it suggests being grounded is being connected to the ground you walk on. Deep down grounding is that mind, body and soul connection to the Earth and nature.
There are particular techniques that can be used to be grounded.
Yoga and Being GroundedYoga is a perfect place to start to experience being grounded. The practice of yoga can bring you to a place of connection. When practiced with a mindful awareness, yoga is a profound form of being grounded in the sense of leaving you with a sense of emotional and mental wellbeing. But further to that yoga asana’s leave you with a physical sense of grounding.
It is the feeling of coming home to the body that brings you into being grounded. In yoga you stop, feel your feet connected to the Earth. You notice the sensations of the legs. You feel into your fingertips and you sense an overall awareness of the cells within your body.
At first when you practice yoga it is all about the physical aspect of being grounded. Overtime you develop a greater sense of awareness. An awareness that goes beyond the physical and into the emotional body. This is the point that you start to feel the true meaning of being grounded in yoga.
This is where being grounded becomes being. This is the moment your practice moves to a new level. It is this feeling that you can take into the ‘real’ world and you being to embody the dictionary definition of grounded.
Shiatsu and Being GroundedUnlike yoga, shiatsu is performed by a qualified therapist. In a treatment, your therapist will use techniques such as acupressure, stretching and joint mobilisation to leave you relaxed and grounded. Gentle, therapeutic touch and movement will reconnect you to parts of your physical body that may be blocked energetically and help you release what is holding you back from being present.
Deeply rooted in Oriental Philosophy and Eastern Medicine, Shiatsu is a holistic treatment. Your therapist will help get to the root cause of any symptoms you might have and aims to restore a sense of wellbeing and centeredness to mind, body and soul.
Shiatsu is a physical treatment that gives you an opportunity to sense into your emotional being and your mental body. Acknowledging how your thoughts and emotions keep you from being in the present moment supports healing. In the healing you find a sense of being grounded.
Other experiences of Being GroundedWalking barefoot, lying down on the Earth and touching the soil, plants and all the life offered in nature creates an experience of being grounded.
Eating can even be a highly grounding experience if conducted with mindfulness.
Anything that leaves you feeling centered and in the present moment is effective at giving you the experience of being grounded.
The first level of being grounded is to come home to your body. You can access this by physically doing something.
The next level of being grounded is accessing that deeper awareness of your being. Acknowledging your emotions and being present can be a great healing moment. Because at the heart of being grounded is simply just being. Being with YOU right now.