The karmic energy from previous incarnation plays a role in the shape we are in.The concept of cellular memory provides our blueprint or genetic make up. Inherited traits from previous generations contribute who we are today.
Current experiences and energetic interactions influence the perceptions based on past experience or currently held cellular memory. Our mind seeks to confirm or deny what we perceive and either enhance or suppress emotions, thoughts and behaviours.These interaction based on our experience contributes to the shape we are in.
We are a product of our environment. Exposing ourselves to constant stress and the degrading behaviour of others we tell ourselves subliminal stories of unworthiness or stories of never being good enough, or of comparing ourselves to others.
Ultimately though we are responsible for the shape we are in.
Through understanding who we are now we can learn to change how we think, how we perceive and how we flow through life mentally, emotionally and physically. Sometimes we need a helping hand to understand who we are or what makes up our blueprint. A face reading or full body analysis can assist in helping to understand who we are or why we are in the shape that we are in.
Book a consultation today for a face reading or full body analysis.