When Ki (Chi or Qi), the body’s energy is will blocked or stagnant, tension, pain and dis-ease may result. Gua Sha helps to move Ki and restore balance to the body’s energy system. Therefore recipients of a Gua Sha treatment can feel healthier and move more freely following a treatment.
Gua Sha which is used for treating specific conditions, such as neck and shoulder pain can often leave noticeable marks appearing as red or purple spots on the body. These marks are sometimes called bruises however are an expression of the stagnation that is held in the body due to injury, trauma and dis-ease. The marks known as Sha will disappear after a few days and are generally painless.
Gua Sha is used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, release toxins from the body, reduce tension and enhance beauty. Gua Sha has an impact on our immune system and therefore can be used as a preventive health tool.
Conditions that Gua Sha might be suitable for include:
- Muscle and Joint Pain
- Headaches
- Knee Swelling
- Frozen Shoulder
- Carpal Tunnel
- Back Pain
- Supporting and Boosting Immune System
- Facials
There are some contraindications to Gua Sha. Gua Sha may not be suitable for people with bleeding disorders, acute injury, if you are pregnant, or have ulceration, sunburn or other skin disorders. It is always best to work with a qualified Oriental Remedial Therapist or other TCM professional with Gua Sha experience.
You can book in for a Gua Sha appointment as part of a holistic treatment plan or as a stand alone treatment.
Our therapist will discuss if Gua Sha is a suitable treatment for your condition prior in a pre-treatment consultation.