My interest in yoga lies in what our physical body can do. Particularly I am interested in body language and what our posture says about our emotional state. As I undertake some personal journey work I find my own posture being challenged.
Late last year I sprained my ankle and then not long after this I was plagued by lower back pain. As a consequence my meditation focused on inner journey work. In the past when something come up or I found I had a ‘blockage’ I would seek a yoga pose to help me overcome it. When these issues persisted longer then I appreciated it, I changed up my practice.
Instead of doing what I normally do I turned off the computer, I put away the books and I decided to listen to my body. How profound? A yoga instructor listening to her own advice! Anyway the results were amazing.
Emotionally talk about rollercoaster but as I worked in this way I discovered more which I believe knew would only enhance my personal practice. It was the start of developing a knowing simply by listening.
I have been following this practice for many months and I have noticed not only my personal practice deepening, my connection with the universe and those around being enhanced but I believe what I offer my clients is more authentic. It doesn’t mean I don’t have off classes or that my style appeals to everyone but what I offer is more aligned with my path.
My take home message I wish to share is change the way you do things, don’t listen to what someone else tells you. Turn off the computer, put away the books, and even turn off the music.
Only you know yourself better than anyone. Develop your own way of going inward and conversing with yourself. Whether it is in yoga, meditation or some other form of daily practice; just listen to your body to assist in opening your mind and walk your path.