Traditional celebrations of Ostara was often based on the observation of nature and in particular agricultural. The honouring of the fertility of the Earth and personification of youthfulness, maidenhood and the blessings of opportunity in renewal formed part of the once ancient celebrations. Symbols of the egg, rabbits and flower blooms abound. Setting intention for love, abundance and balance were set.
As you begin to tune into the Wheel of the Year you too may wish to celebrate this wonderful time of the year. Here is 7 ways you can celebrate Ostara:
Watch the Sunrise
What better way to herald the Spring Equinox and celebrate this day of equilibrium then watching the sunrise. As you watch the first rays of sun light the day you may like to thank the Earth for the giving of abundance and role the Sun has in the bringing of new life.
Plant / Pick Spring Flowers
Take the opportunity to plant you own garden in honour of spring time. Prepare your soil and plant seasonal flowers such as daisies, petunias and lavender can all be sowed.
Australian Native Wildflowers are also beginning to bloom this time of the year. So why not pick you own tribute to an Australian Spring.
Wear Colours of the Season
Traditional colours of green, yellow and pink are recognized during Ostara celebrations. Wearing ribbons, scarves or clothing in these colours will lighten and brighten your day while honouring the energies of the season.
Sponsor a Bilby
Rabbits are symbolic of Ostara however the Australian Bilby is the perfect substitute for the Southern Hemisphere. The Bilby may not bring the same thoughts of prolific breeding to mind, they can still be a symbol of hope and renewal as we attempt to increase numbers of this native Australian species. Making a small contribution would be a beautiful gesture of the energies of Spring.
Get Crafty with Eggs
Traditionally eggs have been associated with Ostara. In the Northern Hemisphere, Easter falls near the Spring Equinox. Chocolate Eggs are widely exchanged at Easter. Because we celebrate Ostara in September doesn’t mean we forget the symbolism of eggs with its hint of new life.
Hollow out you own egg and get creative with paints, dyes and craft materials. Create your own talisman or symbol of fertility and renewal. You can use this is other rituals or celebrations.
Baking is another way you can honour eggs as a symbol of abundance and Spring. The cracking of an egg for an omelet or a quiche is a perfect gesture for the kitchen witch in all of us. Murmuring words of thanks for putting food on the table and acknowledging renewal of your energy from the sustenance given from this food as you stir the eggs into the bowl becomes a modern honouring of spring.
Spend time in Nature
The days are warmer and obviously getting longer. Spending time in nature seems like the perfect activity to get moving and enjoy the energetic connection at this time of year.
Take time to Spring Clean Mind, Body and Soul
Winter is a time for resting and turning inward. Spring invites us to move outside. The energies are more uplifting. We turn our dietary habits from warm, comforting foods to fresh, lighter eating. We open windows and air out our previously locked up houses. Spring Equinox reminds us to embrace this new energy and clean out the cobwebs from the previous season.
In order to bring in new abundance it is necessary to clear out and welcome in with fresh intentions. Make time to clean your external environment (house, garden and/or office space), undergo an internal cleanse (dietary change if its indicated for you or book a massage to move fluid and Ki) and spend time reaffirming your daily practices that nourish your soul such as yoga or meditation.
Regardless of whether you acknowledge the pagan associations of Ostara or wish to acknowledge that the Southern Hemisphere is about to find its equilibrium for the season of Spring, there is no denying that the days have gotten longer and the temperature is warming up for us here in Australia. There is no reason we should not be out enjoying the brilliance the season has to offer.