Psychosomatic therapy is the doorway into the story of your body. Psychosomatic therapy assists us in developing self-awareness about why we are in the shape that we are in. It can play a vital role in helping individuals to recognise the impact thoughts and emotions have in creating the physical experience of our body. A psychosomatic understanding of our body can help us form deeper more meaningful relationships and interactions with the world we live in. To know your body intimately can make a difference in your life.
In 2013 I completed my psychosomatic therapist course. It was a pivotal point in my life and learning to accept my body. From understanding the story of my body in an intimate way I was able to change my mind and launch myself into loving life and living my best possible version of myself. Less than 2 years later I experienced a setback and my physical body underwent a massive change due to surgical intervention. I literally was back to my pre 2013 mind-body revelation.
Thankfully I recognised what was happening and made a decision to delve deeper into the change that had occurred in my body. I sought assistance from therapist friends to affirm what I already knew and using different tools I have been taking responsibility for the story of my body. There is now a new found acceptance and love for my body.
Interestingly it was only from a recent interaction with a client that I realised how my knowledge of psychosomatics could be highly beneficial to my clients in learning to acknowledge the story their body has to tell and how they too can learn acceptance through some of the tools I have used. Yep I was a psychosomatic therapist who was consulting on this topic but truly didn’t fully understand the impact my knowledge could really have on an individual. I think I was just going through the motions. It was in one little comment that this perfect and wonderful client made.
We were discussing the topic of learning to love your body and learning acceptance. She was kind of more than a client and knew through first-hand experience what I was going through after my multitude of surgeries. We were discussing the topic of body image and loving the body and the tools I had been using to assist me in accepting my body as I was preparing the space for her to have a foot acupressure treatment. She acknowledged her own body image issues and how she was coming to that place of accepting her body. As the physical component of the treatment began she made a flippant comment about how unattractive her feet are.
The psychosomatic therapist in me kicked in and so I started to read the story of her feet. And what a beautiful story her feet have to tell. So with her permission I have reproduced the story of her feet.
The feet the foundations of our mind-body and they carry us around every single day. The feet support us through life and often the most neglected part of our body. Our feet are alive with the energetic vibration of every aspect of our body. This is why just a reflexology or foot acupressure treatment can be so effective in keeping us healthy.
As I looked at my client’s feet I could tell from her flat footed stance that her feet were telling a story of a lack of stability in her life and lack of clear direction.
The sole of the foot is the soul’s connection to the vibration of the earth’s frequency and acts as a receiving centre for the way we experience life. I know that the connection to Mother Earth is important for this client but it could possibly be blocked by the unresolved issues she is carrying around indicated by the swelling on the top of the foot and at the ankle. This sluggishness of energy at the ankle could mean this one lacks drive at times.
The toes of both feet tell the story of what aspects of her life she was likely to tune into in her present way of thinking (left foot) and her past thought patterns (right foot). This one is a person who may feel a need to control her feelings indicated by the clutching of the 2nd toe of both feet. As the first toe turns in towards the second toe the potential for intuitive thinking to be influenced by her feelings is evident. The third and fourth toe on the right foot appear to hide under her second toe
demonstrating a possibility of past experience and emotions directing how she actions and communicates when dealing with others. The long neck of all toes indicates an ability to communicate. The redness of the little toes on both feet may indicate she puts pressure on herself to conform to social systems possibly as a result of past conditioning.
The greatest potential for this beautiful soul is her ability for thinking and confidence in communicating in a manner with emotional empathy; however it is possible that when asked to speak from the heart revealing her true emotions she is likely to retreat and revert to a more logical or analytical communication style. She is more likely not to reveal her emotions directly preferring to hide how she feels.
The fleshiness of the toe pad particularly on the left big toe indicates an intuitive and creative imagination. Emotional expression is probably preferred through an artistic ability.
With regular foot acupressure and treatment of the lower legs the potential of the soul can be enhanced and the true energy will flow more freely. Learning to communicate her feelings may be difficult however expression can be supported through acknowledgement and acceptance during regular treatments as she feel is required.
If you would like to know more about the story your body tells please connect with me today via email or phone mobile 0438 264 354. Consultations and treatments are available in Petrie by appointment.