Yoga, Aikido and meditation have helped me to go inwards. My journey still continues, my healing is constant, my wellness is inevitable.
Diets, supplements and all the associated "gadgets" are there for one thing and that is to bring someone to fame, to make money for someone. While having a business degree and some experience how business works, I think my fascination with advertising and marketing has given me a perspective to realise while people have their heart in the right place most of the time it takes being ahead of the competition and constant innovation to earn a living. This sometimes mean purporting to having the answers to people's problems. Diets, foods and cooking tools are one perspective to good health but they are not the only perspective. It sounds very cliche but the best place to find what you seek is within.
Listen to yourself it knows better than anyone else what you need. That does not mean you should not seek consul of others, That you should not listen to the opinions of others. Yes you should seek western medical advice and treatment if this is your belief, yes use the original medicine of the Ancient ones if this is your choice. But most of all go inwards and pay attention to your own Divine self.