In Oriental theory winter is an opportunity to rest and reflect. Winter gives up this opportunity to slow down and cultivate the yin qualities of life for ourselves. We can use this time to acknowledge that slow deep yearning of new life growing within us.
In winter when we rest we heal. We heal from all that work we did in letting go in autumn. We heal from the separation of things that no longer served a purpose. We grieve the loss of the things that we had held close for so long but were not ready to release. But in the release we realise that we were covering up the new with the old. Now with the old removed we have time and space to feel into this germination of budding new life deep within. We can allow the fertilisation of this growth with what we learned from the process of letting go in these winter months.
Slowly over these months we can witness the new dreams rising and the transformation of ideas into reality come the spring time. So I invite you to take the next few months to meditate and slow down so you can feel into these qualities of winter. Practice slow, gentle yoga, sleep longer, have a shiatsu treatment that awakens these qualities and most of all listen deeply to the flow that is moving through you.