We all need money to live in today's society and trying to fight for the continued business of our clients seems to be widely accepted as normal. I look at this attitude as coming from our base chakra. The colour is red – a colour that can be perceived as one of hostility, competition, antagonistic. I would like to think of the base chakra colour as being of passion and drive. Deep down the base chakra is about that ability to support ourselves. Stand on our two feet and know we can move through life without having the rug pulled from under us.
The more I thought about the conflict and competition within this industry I began to see red as being hostile and it made me feel as though I wanted to antagonise. I was getting angry. Not good for my liver. Not good for my prana flow.
I sat with the anger and felt it in my body and made a conscious decision to let it go. I decided the best course of action was to continue communicating my intentions and follow my truth. Do what is right for me! Work to my own integrity.
This course of action was confirmed after I finished my meditation. Every morning on completing my practice I shuffle and draw from my beautiful Gita cards. A gorgeous deck of cards based on the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. I pulled the card “Gates of Hell”.
“There are three gates that open the way to hell and the degradation of the soul: lust, anger and greed. Avoid these three at all costs”
For me it was confirmation that thoughts of anger and greed can only lead to harming my soul purpose. To let go of these thoughts and counter act with thoughts that discern what is right for me to remain true and move with my soul purpose is the only course of action I will take.
Let the other parties take a competitive and aggressive path, I am moving on my soul purpose path with passion, integrity and strength of knowing I fully support myself in all I do. How are you treading your path?
Om Shanti