The Government has certainly put a bit of a damper on things with private health care. By April 2019 my modalities of Shiatsu and Yoga will no longer be considered eligible for private health rebate (unless the private health fund deems it fit for listing). This has not stopped me – I might have slowed a bit while I considered my options but still I keep moving forward. These options included going back to college and getting a piece of paper that the Government considered eligible as a bonafide natural therapy or be true to my modalities and feel safe in the knowledge that science can back up what I know works.
My meditations on this topic took me down a couple of different thought paths. One being – if the Government considers Shiatsu and Yoga, along with many other natural therapies as being akin to witch craft and having no science behind it then what will stop them from removing the remaining natural therapies from the list of eligible therapies people can claim through their health funds. These other modalities are as much evidence-based as yoga and shiatsu. I could do another course and on completion it too could become obsolete in the eyes of the Government. Financially and time wise this is not an option I favour. I won’t rule it out but at this stage I am not willing to take the risk.
The other thought was that I love the therapies I offer and I know they work. There are countless published articles that demonstrate the effectiveness of both yoga and shiatsu. I went through many months and even years studying these modalities. I only chose quality professional development and all information comes from well written and researched textbooks or is evidence-based and often presented by top rating professionals in their fields.
Returning to corporate employment was another factor. I considered that for about 1 minute. If I did return I think I would be looking for a really good natural therapist to support me.
With these thoughts I have decided to stick with what I know and continue to provide quality professional services to my clients. But it left me with another question. Why would my clients chose me if bureaucrats want to burn me at the stake? If I was a witch from the 18th Century I would probably say it’s because what I do works and when people are healthy they start to question systems that the bureaucrats seem to have power over. Hmmmmm let me think about that for a moment…
Controlling your health choices must mean bureaucrats wanting unhealthy citizens that they can hold power over! Hmmmm there is something not sitting well with me there.
Politics aside I decided to hand it back to all my wonderful clients and ask you the question. What makes you return? Your answers absolutely blew my mind. You confirmed what I knew and you have also inspired me to keep doing what I am doing and continue to offer my services in 2018.
However I knew that to help me continuing growing in 2018 I needed to make things sustainable. I need to see my business growing by ensuring I have new clients coming but I also want to nurture my loyal clients. Those of you who have been with me since I started all those years ago; those of you who have been with me through some dark moments and still you came back and those of you who have watch me add new modalities to my existing skill set.
Thank you so much for your continued support in 2017. I have truly appreciated it. However to continue my business into the future I know I need to make changes. This has meant positioning myself appropriately in the market place and taking some other bits of advice in hand.
So I have refined a few things. I have made some changes. I have refocused my attention. In 2018 I leave behind my classes in North Lakes and I focus all my attention at building Petrie. I will have my core set of yoga classes and I will have set times for seeing my private clients.
My focus will be on providing small intimate yoga classes where I can offer personalised attention to my clients. Classes will have themes throughout the month to coincide with the moving cycle of Tao and will be therapeutic in nature for each of you. I want you to get the most out of you time with me.
I am also determined to see you all adopting an at home practice so I am working on providing material for you to access online. Some of these will form specific package deals while others will add value to your existing class practice.
Private clients will get personalised packages and extra material to take home after a session with me. These will all take time to develop so for a while your appointment doesn’t finish for me once you walk out the door. You can expect an email of some sort with follow up information or material you can access from home that will support you with your healing, relaxation and wellbeing after your session with me. As always I take a no pressure approach to clients returning for follow ups as I believe you will know when it’s time to return but I will be providing additional value to any private appointments and of course rewards for your dedication to your health.
Yep, Loyalty will be rewarded in 2018 with the refinement of the Karma Rewards Program. Currently I have had a program in place which has served its purpose. It is time for me to rest the old way of running the Karma Rewards program and put into place a program that encompasses both Yoga and Shiatsu. You can view the new Karma Rewards Program online. Visit www.mindfullivingmatters.com.au and click on Karma Rewards Program.