Plantar Fasciitis is a common condition of the foot where you suffer pain in the bottom of the foot. This pain can sometimes extend up the back of the leg into the calf muscle. Often you will wake up in the morning and the first few steps of the day are agonizingly painful. Or you might experience the pain coming on after you have been exercising or been standing on your feet all day. In some cases the pain may even be worse after sitting all day.
The condition is caused by an inflammation of the tissue that starts at the heel of your foot and runs through the sole towards the toes. This is why many people with plantar fasciitis get pain in the arch of the foot.
Leaving this condition untreated or ignoring the early signs can result in tears to the tissue of the foot or worse can lead to knee or hip problems.
Plantar Fasciitis can successfully be treated with physical therapy. Exercise and regular massage including cupping when used with other therapies such as icing, taping, rest and having your shoes checked by a qualified podiatrist has proven to have the best results.
I have worked with many people for this condition and absolutely love offering foot treatments. So if you have symptoms like the ones mentioned above contact me to discuss a therapeutic treatment for your tired legs and sore feet.
To make an appointment email or call 0438 264 354.